Reflections from my first year in JLC

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A note from new member, Susan Bernath

It’s been about a year since my first Junior League meeting and I can easily say it was one of the best decisions I have made since I moved to Columbia. I have found myself being more involved with the community, establishing new friendships, and most of all exposing myself to so many new opportunities. The myriad of events ranging from service to socials has enhanced my confidence and overall well-being as I grow as a young professional and a new-to-me city. Every time there has been a rough day at work, and I attend an evening event, my heart is always full as I connect with other women and share laughs, stories, and most of all, encouragement. One of my favorite events from the fall was the calligraphy class (pictured below).

As a first year JLC member, active members have been incredibly encouraging, honest, helpful, and kind as they reassure that the work and time commitments will be done. Needless to say, joining the Junior League of Columbia was one of the best decisions that I made in the 20 months that I’ve lived in Columbia, SC, and I wouldn’t trade the time, money, or effort for anything.

Amazing women, doing amazing work is how I can most simply describe what my commitment has been this year.

To all my mentors, group project leader, new members, and now my friends, cheers! And to many more great years with the Junior League of Columbia!