JLC hosts fun afternoon at Epworth Children’s Home

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On May 19, the Junior League of Columbia’s Healthy Kids in Transition Committee helped host a fun afternoon for the children at Epworth Children’s Home!

One of the new member groups for the Junior League of Columbia (JLC) worked with the Healthy Kids in Transition committee to plan the day. Each member arrived and set out snacks, lunchboxes, beauty gift bags, and supplies for vision boards. The group, led by JLC members Danielle Koerner and Erica Gianetti planned in advance to make sure the girls would have a super fun filled afternoon.


The girls began to arrive around noon and grabbed a snack as they came into the gym. Just over 40 girls attended the event and actively participated in the group workout hosted by Wes from Burn Boot Camp – Columbia. Wes played fun music and had the girls pair up and do different exercises to see how many reps they could do in comparison to their partner who was doing a different exercise at the same time. For example, while one partner would do push-ups, the other would do jumping jacks. The girls worked really hard and got their heart rates up! Wes was a very fun instructor and kept the girls engaged and moving the entire forty minutes!


Some of our own JLC members joined in on the fun too! New members Madison Kennette, Erica Gianetti, Ansley Seabrook, and Candace Murphy (left) did a round of mountain climbers and core twists. Danielle Koerner and LaToya Jenkins (right) enjoyed their time working out together very much and laughed through most of the workout!


After everyone had a chance to cool down from the workout, girls went back into the room to eat a box lunch. Then, each girl completed a vision board craft project. Some girls chose to write a list of goals while others cut out pictures from magazines and glued fun images onto their colorful board. The JLC members were wonderful in engaging the kids, making sure everyone was having a good time, and made sure everyone felt comfortable participating.


As the afternoon events came to a close, the girls were each given a beauty gift bag complete with nail polish, face mask, chapstick and more! Overall, it was a great afternoon for everyone! The JLC appreciates the long standing relationship with Epworth Childrens Home and looks forward to more collaborations to support our youth.