Education and Development: Mental Health Awareness

Did you know? … The Junior League of Columbia has an Education and Development Committee.  The Education and Development Committee aims to offer Members a variety of educational training opportunities throughout the year to promote its mission of overall growth and learning among each other.  Each Education and Development event can occur in a variety of formats, whether a type of “lunch and learn” set up over Zoom or in person.  On March 26th, the Junior League of Columbia had a virtual Education and Development event titled “Mental Health Awareness” hosted by Jill Smith, LISW-CP and Junior League Member Katie Haney, LPC-A, both of Jill Smith and Associates Counseling.  This session offered insight into the importance of one’s mental health, and how to manage it, and available resources.  More specifically, this session offered listeners the chance to learn about Imposter Syndrome.  Imposter Syndrome involves the idea pretending all is well on the “outside” while inwardly someone suffers from major self-doubt regardless of true accomplishments and capabilities.  Let’s face it, life can feel overwhelming sometimes but it’s refreshing to know how universal such feelings are.  Ultimately, this session served as a reminder to Members about the importance of mental health and the humanness of it.